Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

It's already January 2nd! Yesterday and the day before I was so busy taking poor, sick DS from one Doctor to the other. On top of his bronchitis he developed a case of gastroenteritis with fever, nausea and the latest development - diarhea! Yesterday he couldn't hold any fluids down and today the runs! I'm trying to push fluids and thankfully he is doing his best to cooperate. I hope we have turned the corner...

My vision for 2008:
1- Take Arabic lessons with a tutor.
2- Lose enough weight 'til I'm in the healthy range (for my age and height).
3- Excercise to boost my metabolism.
4- Take quilt classes and sew for an hour (at least) per day.
5- Go to the Dubai and Vermont quilt festivals.
6- Learn how to meditate.
7- Read more books - start a book club here in Riyadh.
8- Be calm and supportive to husband and kids (but give them my ideas!)
9- Be a good friend.
10-Be more creative.
11-Learn this blogging thing by taking One on One at the Apple store in Cleveland!!!

What are some of your goals for the next year????

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